At Young Mu’mins our curriculum will be in line with our holistic (tarbiyyah) development model. This means we will adopt a wide range of syllabuses to ensure our children have a wholesome and balanced Islamic education.
A detailed syllabus selection criteria is implemented based on content coverage, child friendliness, effectiveness and scope for growth. This flexibility allows us to constantly ensure we are providing our children the best education possible.
We at Young Mu’mins never rely solely on textbooks and require our staff to produce additional lesson plans for each subject. We are also constantly reviewing our syllabus options and hope to adopt the best syllabus available. Our long term objective is to create our own syllabus which we can tailor according to all of our needs, especially as Muslims in the UK. In the meantime, a continuous review process is put in place which allows annual appraisal and refinement of each area of the curriculum.