Madrasah school agreement
As a Madrasah , we will:
- Provide each individual child with a broad and balanced Islamic education focusing on holistic development.
- Support the spiritual development of your child by fostering-: Islamic values and prayer in the school.
- Provide a safe, caring, happy and stimulating environment that is true to our Islamic ethos.
- Encourage the highest standards and expect your child to make excellent progress in their education.
- Set realistic targets that are appropriate to your child’s ability and aspirations, by using an Individualized learning plan for your child.
- Inform you on a regular basis about your child’s progress towards these targets, in an easy understandable format.
- Provide you with a breakdown of the syllabus on a semester basis and keep you informed of any amendments made to the syllabus.
- Ensure that lessons are well-planned and structured, and cater for your child’s specific needs and ability.
- Ensure that work is assessed regularly and constructive feedback is given to your child on their progress and how they can improve further.
- Arrange an individual learning plan review meeting, between parents, teachers and your child, at the end of each semester.
- Arrange regular opportunities to meet with teachers to discuss your child’s progress, especially if there are concerns .
- Support your child to overcome any problems that hinder their learning and their personal development.
- Make arrangements to meet with you within a reasonable time-scale, if you wish to come into school to discuss any matter.
As the Parent(s)/Carer(s), I/we will:
- Support the school’s ethos and values.
- Attend Parents Evenings to discuss my child’s progress, as arranged.
- Regularly check communications by staff via the School’s Parent App/Portal.
- Attend any ‘good parenting’ and induction sessions offered by the school.
- Encourage my child with homework.
- Support the school’s ethos by promoting Islamic values at home.
- Ensure that there is a culture of regular prayer and respect for others in the home.
- Support the school’s ethos by encouraging the best possible standards in my child’s studies.
- Ensure my child attends school every day and arrives on time.
- Notify the school as soon as possible~ on the first day of any absence.
- Organise family holidays during AHF school holidays so that no learning in school is missed.
- Ensure that my child arrives at school appropriately dressed and with the correct resources every day.
- Contact the school if I/We have any concerns about my child’s progress or welfare.
- Treat the staff members with respect.
- Follow the directions of the Road Safety Marshalls.
- Respect the neighbours and avoid blocking entrances or inappropriate parking.